About Us

Ile . Koko . Ibere

Home . Core . Beginning

"We carry a piece of ourselves wherever we go, a reminder of who we are and why. Despite our journeys, we've achieved the extraordinary and the unbelievable". - Adekanla Dedeke

Our Story


Egba Ake was created with a heartfelt wish to keep the spirit of home alive, no matter where our journey's lead. We believe home isn't just a place—it's a piece of our heritage that travels with us.

We accept the challenge of representing diverse heritages in our designs in a way that speaks to many. We believe that beneath our unique differences, there are core themes that connect all cultures. By focusing on these deeper meanings, we show that home isn’t just a place—it’s a feeling that can be recreated anywhere.

The Point


We design fashion, home, and travel pieces that blend diverse cultural inspirations, helping individuals create a home away from their ancestral land.

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Our vision


In our vision for of the world, we see a place where everyone finds a sense of home, no matter where we are. It's a world where we celebrate our cultural heritage, seamlessly weaving it into the fabric of everyday life.

Whether we're immigrants or travelers, we find familiar comforts in unfamiliar places, as communities come together to share our unique heritages while embracing our shared humanity.

For us, design isn't just about aesthetics; it's about fostering identity, belonging, and the universal themes that connect us all. This world is one where our roots are honored, our journeys celebrated, and our sense of home is always within us, no matter where life takes us. It's a place where the past and present coexist beautifully, and where every moment presents an opportunity for us to create a deeper sense of belonging.

Adekanla Dedeke

Founder & Creative Director

Adekanla Dedeke is the visionary behind Egba Ake. Born in Nigeria and raised between Nigeria and the United States, Adekanla’s experiences have deeply influenced her passion for African arts and cultural heritage.

Her father, an artist, and her mother, a serial entrepreneur, inspired her love for visual arts and business. After studying economics gaining corporate experience, and most recently business school, Adekanla pursued her dream of merging cultural heritage with contemporary design.

Egba Ake, named to honor her Nigerian roots, blends traditional African motifs with modern aesthetics, offering fashion, home, and travel pieces that connect people with their heritage.